Flexibility In Your Financial Plan
Last fall, one of our fence gates collapsed. We had two gates, one on either side of the house, so we took it as a "sign" that one gate was enough, and we stored the dilapidated gate on the other side of the house. I should've known we wouldn't get off that easy, because by the first snow fall the other fence gate collapsed and the fence started to lean. I'm sure our neighbors loved the sight!
My husband Nate and I hadn't planned to replace the fence anytime soon, however with two gaping holes on either side of the house and a fence that replicated the Leaning Tower of Pisa, it was evident something had to be done. Not to mention, we have a busy toddler and another baby on the way (due in August!), so enclosing children and keeping neighborhood pets out seemed like the responsible option. After looking over our family's financial plan and running some quick numbers, we realized this kind of expense was something our plan and budget could handle. We didn't necessarily plan for a new fence this summer, and that's usually the case with our clients' financial (and life) plans too.
It's not uncommon for clients to approach us with changes to their financial plans. As clients start the financial planning process, they receive a comprehensive overview of their total financial picture, not just for the investments we manage for them, but regarding their general cash flow, review of illiquid assets, like real estate and farm land, as well as how to manage tax and estate planning questions. Upon completion and maintenance of that financial plan, clients often feel more confident and at ease about making typically difficult and stressful life decisions, such as "am I ready for retirement?" or "can I reasonably afford to move closer to family?". The clarity financial planning provides is what we, the advisors, as well as the clients enjoy most about the process.
It's hard to know what life will look like in 5 years or ten, or maybe even next month! Jon, Becca and I understand these unique challenges and want to assist you in creating a financial plan that doesn't just work in dollars and cents but works with your lifestyle too. Financial planning is not just for retirees either - this option is available to all our clients at any age or financial stage of life. You can never be too young to start financial planning, the point is that you start! Financial planning is a complimentary service for our existing clients, so please don't hesitate to reach out or ask about financial planning at your next annual review meeting.