The Best Income Solutions are Durable

As interest rates have continued their almost forty year decline (interest rates in the modern era peaked early in the Reagan Administration), more and more investors and savers have discovered that there is nothing “fixed” about fixed income investing. 

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2019 Second Quarter Review…. Financial Market Roller Coasters

Quarterly results for financial markets often resemble my favorite roller coaster at Arnold’s Park Amusement Park on the shore of West Lake Okoboji. It’s a local landmark having weathered the decades and being a mandatory experience for generations of families. Every nook and cranny of its circuit having been endlessly discussed and debated. I would hazard to guess that by now over a million passenger circuits have been made over the old wood structure. A million shrieks of fear, a million laughs for joy and a million memories made.

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Falling Knives and Speeding Trains

I was lucky to start my career at a small firm in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Securities Corporation of Iowa (SCI). Lucky, in that SCI put an emphasis on teaching its brokers how to be portfolio managers and the CEO, John Knapp, took a particular interest in instructing the youngest members of the firm.

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